Henry Gallenz, 70
Retired Engineer and Coach
I've been running for most of my life and keeping a running log. Why? For one thing, it allows me to relive the good times.
I started running as a 10 year old with friends by joining a track and gymnastic club in Germany. We wanted to be the fittest in our grade, and I liked competition.
If I could no longer run, I would start Nordic walking to stay fit.
My favorite run is The Manitoba Marathon in Winnipeg, Canada. It was the first Marathon I did with my son Peter. He was only 15 years old and placed first in the 16 and under in 3:18.46 HR., and we placed first in the parent/child division.
My favorite local run is the Arny Johnson Run, named in memory of my good running friend. This year will be the 23rd annual event in memory of one special and unique human being and runner.
I like to run with my daughter Cindy and son Peter when they are home. It is a good time to share the latest. I cherish those moments and I appreciate for both of them to slow down for me so we can have a conversation and get a workout in.
Something most people don't know about me is that I'm one of the cofounders of the RRR, and the only one still running and active in the club. While out on my runs, I met Harry, Sherwood, Larry and John. We decided what Rockford needed was a running club which give us more running partners and a larger support group. The club came to exist with Harry, President; Sherwood, Vice-President; and Larry Catlin, Secretary. This year we will be celebrating our 40th year in existence and still going strong. If you have ideas, bring them to a meeting or contact me.
My favorite thing to do after a hard workout is socialize, take a hot shower and a nap.
When I'm not running I like to garden, make repairs to my house, read and coach girls track and cross-country at Boylan High School.
I am inspired by Frank Shorter. Back in 1972 when Frank was training for the Olympic marathon and I was training for my first marathon, he visited Rockford. He said "Run as you feel, and don't be afraid to back off when you're feeling bad on your long training runs."
Running has helped me to relax after a hard day of work.
If I could no longer run, I would develop some alternate exercise routines. The days would be filled with running in a swimming pool, work on the cross-country machine with a few periods of light swimming and a light weight workout.
The local runner I most admire is Ron Leonhardt he inspires a lot of runners and is a lot of fun to be around.
To push myself on a run I think of the cold beer on the end of the run.
My greatest running accomplishment is a 4:12.9 min 1600 meter run in Germany 1956. Before the race I was to run an even paced first half and a negative spit second half of the race. I prepared for this race weeks in advance with positive mental imaging accounting carefully for wind and weather to run a 4:15 or better. I drank 4-6 oz. of water each hour 24 hr. before the race to be properly hydrated at race time.
My next goal is to run the state street mile under 8 min.
My advice to other runners don't let pride get in your way. And, get insured!
I plan to run until my body tells me otherwise.
I've always been afraid of becoming injured and then having to take a long time to regain my condition, so I'm very cautious. I take it very easy after a long race and use swimming and if available a massage. If I start to feel an onset of an injury I take three days off. Get to know your warning signs. Build rests into your training program. This is why I'm still running after 40 years. I'm still sensitive to my warning signs.